My name is Max and I am a big German Shorthaired Pointer (70 pounds, 26.5 inches). I'm out of Country Star Kennels in Ohio and mom brought me home as a puppy in 2006. Although I have several agility and rally titles, I live for flyball! I've been training since early 2008 and I started competing in U-Fli singles and pairs racing since Spring 2009. It took me quite a while to become the reliable dog I am today (about 3 years all told). When I started racing, I had a bit of a left lane issue (I turn to the right), but it was SO distracting to see another lane with other balls when I turn to head back to mom. Since then I've worked through these issues and its been quite some time since the left lane gave me any issues. I love being on a team and barking with the other dogs. They get me so wound up! Mom's compared running me in flyball to riding a bucking bull . . . come-on! OK . . . maybe it's a little like that. ;) Just grab my collar and take me to the ring. I'll run for anyone!
08-25-10 Update: This past weekend I ran my very first U-Fli team tournament! SWAT was awesome and let me run the right lane races only (since I still have left lane issues). Thanks to Malley for covering for me in the left lane races. I totally rocked! I earned 300 points and my Top Flight title! Also, SWAT let me warm up in the left lane and I didn't look as distracted as I have in the past and my box turns are much better. My times were all between 5.3-5.8 seconds! Can't wait for CanAm!
11-29-10 Update: I've run in three tournaments since my last update -- CanAm, KY and Davisburg. In all three tournaments I successfully competed in the left lane! In the three tournaments I only had 2 (what mom calls) classical Max left lane screw-ups. All my other heats were great! Looks like I'm getting over this left lane thing (yay - more heats for me!). Also, I had another 5.3 second time at Davisburg! I've also earned three new flyball titles! Come out and see me -- I am too much fun to watch!! Our next tournament is Davisburg in Feb, 2011.
06-07-11 Update: It has been some time since I updated my page. Sorry about that! I have been so busy! Since last November I've run tournaments in Norwalk, Davisburg, Monroe and Sandusky. At all 3 of these tournaments SWAT gave me a full time spot and I did not disappoint! Just last weekend at Sandusky, I ran 4 left lane races without a since messed-up heat AND I ran my fastest time ever of 4.8 seconds! Mom said she couldn't believe how fast I was going! Of course I quickly slowed back down to my typical 5.5 second runs, but now Mom knows how fast I can go when I want to. I also picked up a few titles along the way. We'll be in Hastings this coming weekend (hopefully we don't blow away!). Wish us luck!
06-12-12 Update: Wow has it been a long time since I've posted! This past weekend we were in Hastings, MI and I stepped aside to let my brother Dash run on the team (we didn't have enough dogs for two teams). But that doesn't mean I didn't have any fun! Mom ran me in pairs racing with Porsche and we had a ton of fun. Our fastest time was 10.7 seconds. Over the past several months, I've run full time (and held my own) at several tournaments. I've picked up a few new titles on the way and I'm looking forward to many more years of racing. I'll update my titles below.
My Flyball Titles to Date:
Krista Schroeder, Handler